

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


"Toughness is in the soul and the spirit, not in muscles."
~Alex Karras~

Real toughness is quiet and steadfast; not aggressive, and not belligerent. Real toughness does not advertise itself. It is confident in its own power and reliability. It waits and watches. It is not afraid to be tender and not afraid to be kind.
     More often, what we encounter is a façade of toughness, which is nothing more than a cover-story for fear; a veil of amped-up composure over a puddle of insecurity. This kind of toughness is brittle, and weak.
     When life requires endurance and strength from us, let's call on the reserves of love within us instead of the smoke of our fears.

Fear weakens me, but love makes me indestructible. I choose love.