"The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them."
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery~
We are tiny in the scope of things. The internet makes our world smaller in the sense that we can communicate with people all over the earth, but it also dwarfs us. Our inclinations and likes and follows and views are a mere blip in the sea of visual and conceptual possibility. Multitudes of people have a website and an angle and something to promote. And so much of it is interesting, valid, curious, and seemingly worth our time.
People's lifework is available for our perusal and review, and we add ours to the mix. It's exciting and overwhelming at the same time, like the most extravagant buffet of global food. It's all prepared to please the eye and excite the palate .
And plenty of it is less appealing in reality than it may initially seem, but plenty of it is delicious as well, and unique, and not-to-be-missed. It's a hard thing not to over-fill our plates, and super-easy to get personally lost in the mix.
I trust that I will encounter who I am supposed to encounter traveling the road of life and do not allow the sheer volume of possibility to overwhelm me.