"The cyclone derives its powers from a calm center. So does a person."
~ Norman Vincent Peale ~
I imagine that most, if not all of us, have had an experience pushing with all of our heart and skill to complete a task, or the stage of a process, only to get bottle-necked down the line. It's the hurry up and wait syndrome. And no matter how efficiently we move, and how much pressure we put on ourselves, inevitably, there always comes a time when we have to wait for forces outside of our control to do their part.
Given this reality, perhaps we would do better to not hurry at all, and to steadily proceed on track without panic or fret. The way the job gets done is rarely on our time scale, but all in good time, it does, ultimately, get done.
I bring calm energy to my daily life process and stop insisting and pushing against the fray.