"There's a bit of magic in everything, and some loss to even things out."
~ Lou Reed ~
Most of the time I go at life with gusto and have an enthusiastic and gung-ho way of doing things. The energy of this carries me, and I feel optimistic and happy. But there is yin in the yang and yang in the yin and the opposite of gung ho and enthusiastic always comes to take its turn in me. And it isn't necessarily depressing or dark- only profoundly sad, and stillness producing, and humbling. It right sizes me every time.
There is so much suffering on earth, and in people, and surrounding us on all sides. And while there is beauty as well, every so often, it's important and necessary to take stock of the suffering, and feel it to its depths. We don't have to stay there or belabor our experience, but we do have to occasionally visit.
I acknowledge the suffering in myself and others and feel great compassion for the things we all survive.