

Monday, April 14, 2014


"Expectations are like fine pottery. The harder we hold them, the more likely they are to crack."
~Brandon Sanderson~
Sometimes we have expectations without even knowing that we have them. We don't realize until we show up and feel disappointed, that it's not what we thought; that it's smaller, or bigger, or too loud, or not spacious enough, or whatever it may be. Who knew that we had it all figured out in our minds just how great we were going to have it, and what good times would be had?
     The only thing to do, at such a realization point, is to acknowledge that we had an expectation, unbeknownst though it may have been to us, and to let it go. And then, we need to accept the situation as it actually is, and find the good in it. Anything less is guaranteed resentment, and none of us needs that.

When I realize that I have unmet expectations, I release them to the wind. My wanting things to be other than they are doesn't change the facts.