

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


     I think it's a natural human reaction when faced with something new and unfamiliar to be suspicious and feel a certain sense of fear and even dislike. Something new- a new routine, a new arrangement of furniture, a new way of doing things, can't possibly be as comfortable as the old way. But the only reason the old way is comfortable is because it's familiar and "known."
     Understanding this, I would think I could calm myself and not feel threatened by the un-familiar, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I feel an urgent inner desire to grab for control, to somehow make external adjustments to make me feel better. Whether I'm successful or not, the truth is that in the end, no matter what, I will adapt. I don't have to feel afraid or grab for control. I can be open to the new and welcome it as it is. I will get to know it slowly and find my way. We will find our way together. It will slowly become familiar and comfortable in its own way. I will learn to love its gifts and accept its limitations. Over time, through the passage of adaptation and familiarity, what was once unknown and unfamiliar becomes the new "old and faithful."

I face the "new" in my life with courage and faith. I trust that in time it will become familiar and soothing, and that it will serve its purpose in my life.