

Saturday, April 7, 2012


     As we change, our tastes change- our taste in clothes, music, books, people, exercise, food, and beauty- our taste in everything. And yet, we have mental mindsets that lock in and stubbornly refuse to make the adjustment. We insist that we like something because we have always liked it. Maybe we associate it with pleasant memories from the past, or it served some purpose in our lives that we no longer need to serve. And maybe we don't really even like it anymore, but we keep on with it for old time's sake.
     We do things because we have always done them. We eat foods because we have always eaten them, even if they begin to create problems in our bodies. Giving up the familiar seems too high a price to pay, and we resist it with all of our vigor and determination.
     The irony is that if we made the appropriate changes in honor of our changing bodies and spirits, we might actually feel better. In fact, we most certainly would. And if we didn't, for some reason, then we could always return to our original habits. But let's at least give ourselves the chance to feel the best we can. Let's be willing to try living without the things that cause us discomfort. And it's possible, and maybe even likely, that contrary to our insistence otherwise, we might not actually end up missing them at all.

I am willing to give up the things in my life that cause me to suffer, even if I like the idea of them, and have come to depend on them for some kind of twisted emotional comfort.