

Thursday, April 12, 2012


     Call it God, or Great Spirit, or The Universe, or Mother Nature, or whatever you will, but having some kind of consistent connection to this energy is crucial if we wish to experience fulfillment and calm in our lives. It is both the settling force, and the rocket-launcher for manifestation. It is intuition and guidance and home base. It is reassurance and motivation; accessed through prayer and meditative mindfulness- through please and thank you and the courage to ask for help and direction.
     Life is scary and fierce if we think we are are the only one in charge of things. It's a burden to monitor all the goings on. But if we surrender our desire to control everything to whatever it is that actually does have the control- the unknowable mystery- then we are relieved.
     We are like small children in the cockpit of a plane. We insist on doing the flying, but we don't even know how to turn on the engine. We sit stubbornly with our hands on the yoke, refusing to let the pilot take over. It doesn't seem to phase us that we are stuck on the ground. We're sure the pilot will crash us if we let him take off. Better to sit and pretend we are where we want to be.
     Life comes so much more easily with little requests throughout the day- for help, for guidance, for a change of thought, for healing for a friend, a safe ride home, inspiration, comfort... We can sit beside the pilot and experience the wonder and the beauty of the take-off and the flight and landing. We can trust that the Universal life force wants to share positive, enriching experiences with us, and not drag us down and punish us for being. That's what we do to ourselves.

I trust in something bigger than me, and stay connected throughout the day. I am not afraid to ask for help and direction. Life goes better when I remember that I am not in charge of the ride.