

Friday, April 13, 2012


     Here's the answer to doubt and feelings of overwhelm: stop everything and regroup. That's the answer to discombobulation, sloppiness, agitation, and exhaustion as well. So often we push on and push on and push on, beyond reason, beyond sense, in some kind of stubborn exertion of rigid willpower. But all of our answers and all of our relief comes from stopping- not pushing on, and not slowing down, but the cessation of all movement.
    Then, once we have gathered ourselves about us, we can begin again, slowly, with calm, and a sense of purpose inside. We have to remember what we are about and be willing to return to basics. Or, if we are so beyond ourselves that we have no idea how to go about regrouping, then we need to stop for longer. We need to do nothing until we know what to do. And we cannot know unless we get still and present and pay close attention to everything going on within us and around us. We have to listen for guidance. It may take an hour, or a few days, or longer.
     We go on about our daily routines, but we stop all momentum in the direction of our uncertainty until we hear, until we know. And we will know when we are ready to know. We return to the basics and keep things simple and wait for life to loosen and for elements of the confusion to equalize, and clarify, and open the path for our next right step. And when we see it, then we take it, and we go on from there.

When I am frazzled and frustrated, I stop, and wait, for calm and clarity to return.