

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


     My favorite definition for "addiction" is "anything we hide." If that is the case, then what are we addicted to? It's interesting to watch ourselves jump to defenses as we consider our harmless "sneaks." Surely, these aren't addictions- all the little rewards we give ourselves in secret- the snacks, the naps, the shopping adventures- whatever they may be.
     Why do we feel the need to hide at all? In any way? That's the deeper question. Why the longing for "secret" pleasures? Is it guilt that runs us over? Have we been programmed to believe that we don't really deserve treats and goodness and pleasure? Are we somehow not allowed?
     And is it even possible or desirable to live a fully disclosed life?  What would that look like? It seems to me, that if we have nothing to hide, then we are absolutely free in the broadest sense of the word. Without any kind of hiding, we are free from having to sneak around and free from consequent feelings of guilt and shame. We are free from embarrassment and fear. We can live in the light. We can stand tall and be ok with who we are and how we are, and all of our likes and dislikes and talents and dysfunctions: no apologies and no excuses. This kind of freedom is worth an awful lot, it seems to me. Maybe we ought to give it a try.

I live free from guilt and shame. I don't apologize for who I am, and I trust myself to make good choices.