

Friday, April 20, 2012


     As a child I used to hate the heat. I felt righteously sulky and unhappy to my core when it was humid and buggy and too hot to move around without feeling sticky. But I've learned to appreciate it. There is something uniquely wonderful about late nights and early mornings that are hot. And even the blasting heat of a sweaty summer afternoon has its own kind of light and energy for appreciating.
     What I know now is that everything changes. It will not be hot forever. The evening will come to soften things, or a ferocious thunderstorm, or a cold front, or a gentle breeze. The fall comes again, and winter, and all of it, cycling and shifting.
     So as we begin this season of bright sun and hotness, let's not complain. Let's feel the heat and let it bake us. Let's experience it to our roots. Let's let it parch us a bit so that we can feel the refreshment of water on our faces and ice in a tall glass.

It's all good weather: hot, cold, stormy, windy, fresh, muggy, and fierce. It's all good.