

Monday, May 7, 2012


     I find it fascinating in life the way we head off enthusiastically in one direction- pretty clear about our goal and intention, and quite sure of ourselves. And then we encounter a detour. We have to make an unexpected right turn. And that leads us down a hill and around a corner and through a town and unfamiliar neighborhoods. And then we have to turn again, and again.
     And sometimes, after a detour, we return to our original course, but it is somehow changed by what we have been through. We see it differently. And sometimes the detour itself becomes the new path. We thought we were headed one way, but we were mistaken.
     What never seems to fail, however, is that we end up exactly where we are supposed to be. We arrive as if by accident. We travel countless, unanticipated curves in the road. We head off to LA and end up in Jackson. But we realize, when we get there, that Jackson was actually the place we were headed all along... whether we knew it, or not.

I think I know where I'm going, but the truth is that I never really know for sure until I get there.