

Thursday, May 31, 2012


     There's wisdom in the story of The Three Bears. I think we are all fundamentally like the Baby Bear. We want things to be "just right," and let's face it, they are best that way. A hot day is made pleasant by a breeze and rustling leaves. No breeze at all makes the heat oppressive, and too much blows things all over us and whips at our skin.
     Just so, too much change in our lives at one time is unsettling, but not enough feels stagnant; suffocating almost. We want just the right amount of challenge and evolution, just the right amount of growth. And just the right amount of solitude and togetherness as well; of activity and rest; of healthy foods and sweet treats. Just right is just right.
     The Little Bear is all about balance and the Middle Way; about finding comfort between the extremes. That is where satisfaction awaits us- not in excess and melodrama; not in everything to the max and pushing all limits- but somewhere centered and grounded and comfortable, somewhere balanced and in-between. We find our satisfaction in the place in the middle, that is just right... for us.

I seek balance in my life, and avoid the lopsided attraction of excess and all that is extreme.