

Friday, August 12, 2011


     Many years ago I was struggling to make ends meet as a single mother, tough on the outside, and isolated from support and love on the inside. One day, on a recommendation from a friend, I took a fairly advanced yoga class. Though I was in excellent physical shape, it was challenging for me beyond reason, and I felt embarrassed. I had on the wrong clothes and my body wasn't flexible the way everyone else's was. At the end of the class, we all lay quietly in the dark room. Even there, I felt self-conscious and restless. I wanted to get up and get out. Unexpectedly, the teacher came up and covered me gently with a blanket. She snugged it under my chin and made sure my shoulders were covered. I was surprised by the loving tenderness of her act, and deeply moved by it. I was not used to being at the receiving end of such kindness, and I clearly remember the gratitude I felt. It made me cry on the way home, good tears, tears of having been blessed.
    I have slowly learned to receive tenderness and consideration from the man I love, but when it comes from other sources, I am generally startled and filled with a kind of sweet sadness. I don't expect it, and don't feel I deserve it, but here it is, like the yoga teacher all those years ago, and like my friend who has taken such care making CDs of music for my wedding. I feel the full effect of the gift, and of her kindness. It overwhelms me. That simply being me and simply being human allows me to receive such blessing and such joy opens my heart to love a little wider still.
     And I wonder, if  these acts of kindness, and others like them, have touched me so deeply, then perhaps my being kind and thoughtful to others gives them the same gift of gratitude and happiness. We can never know how our being loving and considerate can affect the quality of someone's day. It's a great reminder to me, and a powerful inspiration. Loving spreads love, and kindness spreads kindness. It feels good both ways and adds unconditional joy to the lives we live.

I give a little extra today on every level. I give a little extra time and consideration. I give a little extra thought to what I do and how I act. Never knowing the exact ways others may suffer, I am a little extra kind today, and everywhere I turn, I give a little extra love.