

Thursday, August 4, 2011


    Being part-way through a process frustrates me on some level. I like to gulp my problems like a dog gulps his dinner, as if I could get to the bottom of the bowl. But when one issue is resolved, immediately on its tail comes the next one, and the next.   
     I want to find a way to relax throughout the process. I want to lose my urgent have-to-get-it-done right now right-this-minute edge. I want to enjoy my efforts while they happen instead of looking at some distant point on the horizon and believing that there, at that special place in the future when all the work is done, I will be whole and happy and completely fulfilled, and I can relax at last. Only trouble is, when the work is done, so is the journey. The journey is the work. When it's over, so am I.
I slow down today and remember to savor my life.