Every behavior has a pull to it. If someone is feeling down and dark and encounters someone up and full of light, usually one of two things will happen. The down individual is lifted up, or the up individual is brought down. Gandhi's quote that we have to be the change we want to see in the world is apt here, in a daily kind of context. If we are miserable, we will bring out the miserable in others. If we want happiness, we need to be happy and spread happy. We can be aware of what pulls at us and wants to drag us down. We can smile at it, or walk away if we cannot affect a change. As with most things, it all comes to awareness in the end.
I will be aware of where I am emotionally and what I am sending out, as well as what's coming in and influencing me. I may have more control than I think I do. Perhaps I don't have to respond to selfishness by being selfish myself, or becoming upset or irritated if the person I am dealing with is behaving that way. Perhaps I can face it all with a smile. Perhaps I can respond to most things with love and kindness, in spite of whatever darkness is exerting its pull.
I will be aware of what or who wants to pull me in some way that I don't want to go, and I will be thoughtful and kind no matter what. I will be what I want to experience.