

Saturday, August 6, 2011


     Obsession with anything creates a problem in our lives because it weights us too heavily to one psychological spot. Obsession with being too healthy makes us unhealthy in a way. We become inflexible with what we allow ourselves and easily judgmental of those who care less than we do about what they eat and how they live. Being obsessed with being healthy and avoiding sickness at all costs may even draw sickness to us.
     Obsession with being thin and body perfect leads to feelings of inadequacy if we cannot physically get to wherever we think we should be. Four pounds the wrong way on the scale can send us into self-hatred and feelings of worthlessness. Obsessiveness in intimate relationships generates clingyness and need in one partner and feelings of suffocation in the other. Obsession with being in control leaves us angry and bitter because there is so much that is out of our power range, no matter how hard we push.
     There's no payoff for obsession that makes it worth it. Being consumed with one thing or another to the exclusion of all else makes us old before our time, and closed to broader perspectives. It's an out-of-whack way to live: no balance and no internal peace. I choose fluidity and ease. I prefer life as a loose fitting garment rather than a straight jacket. I've been wrapped too tight for most of my life.

I let go today and free myself from all of my spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical obsessions and addictions. I catch myself hooked in to circuitous thinking and hamster wheel action and stop. I return to right here and right now and give myself a break.