

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


"Growth is the only evidence of life." 
~ John Henry Newman ~

I think it's possible to convince ourselves that we're "good' and we're "fine" even when we may not necessarily be, as if there is some merit in not needing anything further in life, or from it. We've got it. We're all set. We don't need any more self discovery or refinement. We've done all the work we need to do. We're above all that. Or are we?
     To my mind, life is a continuous journey and the exploration doesn't end until we do. I can always learn something more about myself, about how to become more present, raise consciousness, take integrity to a new level, and fine tune my ability to be forgiving and express love.
     When I first started encountering people who honestly seemed to feel that they were "good" through and through, I thought, "What's wrong with me then?" But what has followed is the realization that their position in itself seems to limit them in a way, and there may be a blindness and inauthenticity to it, a resistance to the reality and the necessity of the forward journey, and the ongoing dance.
I remain open to ever higher learning and developing self-knowledge every day that I live.