

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


     I love transformative physical projects, clearing fencelines, painting rooms or buildings, cleaning messes, organizing disorder. There is not  much to match the satisfaction of this kind of job well done. It's gratifying to see the visible transformation. A certain calm exhaustion mixes with exhilaration after a day of labor in the direction of restoration. A sense of relief and total being relaxation overcomes me. I have been productive. I have created something beautiful and sensible out of chaos with the energy of my hands and muscles.
     And it can be done in small ways as well, with all the attending daily chaos of life: overflowing laundry baskets, old food in the fridge, a rug that needs vacuuming, floors swept, vegetables chopped. There is pleasure in the transformation of things by my actions and intentions. If only I could feel the same satisfaction with less visible transformations that happen all around me; the internal growth and spiritual evolution of my children, my mate, myself... an unexpected release of physical tension, not reacting in my historical fashion to verbal bait, walking away from toxic situations, choosing to eat well, getting exercise, going to bed early. These are transformations no less than new drywall in an old house.

May I learn to recognize and appreciate the ways I clean up my own fencelines, and be able to see my own fresh coats of paint.