

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


     Our plans are skeletal at best. It is up to some power beyond ourselves to fill in the flesh and muscle. Call it God, or Fate, or the Universe, or whatever you wish, but this is the force that determines the experience. We cannot begin to foresee what obstacles or inspiration we might encounter. We set off with our vision. Sometimes it's crystal clear to us- the way  things are going to be, the path we are choosing, the definite goal we are sure to reach- and then that thing beyond our control, whatever it may be, happens.
     We hit a roadblock. Something unexpected tempts us in a different direction. We fall in love. We suddenly become ill. We hit traffic, have an accident, lose our momentum. And then we have to make adjustments. We adapt and improvise. And no matter where we were headed, even if we change our course entirely, we always seem to end up right where we are supposed to be in the end. And yet, every time our plan is foiled, we suffer. We feel stopped in our tracks, frustrated. But we need not. We can embrace any sudden change in anticipated speed or direction understanding that a correction is being made. There is some other plan beyond our plan that is meant for us; somewhere we are supposed to be; some serendipity that awaits us.
     We can struggle and push and force our original agenda on the changed circumstances, but it's a rough and unsatisfying road against the tide and natural flowing rhythm of divine grace. Let's surrender instead, and be willing to be flexible. Let's allow for plan "B" in everything; and plan "C" and "D" and "E" as well- as many alternatives as it takes... to get where we're going, and be happy when we do.

I make plans, but remain flexible. Changes in direction are inevitable, and serve a purpose beyond my understanding.