We are so easily triggered, especially when we are tired and hungry. The slightest word by someone we encounter can unleash a well of old emotions and self-pity, and angst of every kind. And then we are subjected to the the thrashing disorder of our feelings as they act out on us. And then we end up acting out on them. We feel ourselves grouchy and out-of-control, but we don't know how to make it stop. The only way is to stop ourselves- to re-group and begin again- start over.
It's hard work being human. So many small things so easily become big deals if we are not vigilant and aware of the flowing emotional currents inside of us. Awareness is the path to peace; awareness and attendance; watching ourselves, and taking the time to diligently address our issues before they take over our day.
I bring awareness to the things in life that trigger my dark emotions and get a handle on them before they get a handle on me.