

Saturday, March 10, 2012


     We build our lives on assumptions of all kinds. We assume that we will maintain our current state of health, that certain people can be trusted and that others cannot; that we live free from guerrilla warfare; that our parents will predecease us and that our children will not. If we are honest, we can peer into our reality and see how strongly we are rooted in all that we assume. And maybe there is nothing particularly wrong with that.
     But when our belief system is utterly crushed by life circumstances and we are driven to question everything we have ever believed, the main question to ask is not why me? but why not me? Anything can happen to any of us at any time. The reality of that fact is what makes for an interesting life adventure, and where all great stories begin. So rather than railing against our crumbling assumptions when they crumble, let's fill ourselves with wonder and curiosity. Let's see how fresh territory is suddenly open to us that we never even knew existed, and enthusiastically embrace the burgeoning new frontier.

I am ever ready to re-consider my life in light of new information, and willing to let my long-held assumptions dissolve when the time is ripe.