

Monday, March 5, 2012


     It's common practice these days for people to jump in and answer a question before the question has been completely asked. It seems to happen in an effort to save time. An assumption is made and the answering expert leaps in. Often, the actual question has been completely missed, and the one who is asking is left feeling cut-off and un-heard.
     Why don't we take the time to listen to each other? Why are we always trying to rush communication and help keep it going with our interruptions and promptings? Making assumptions pre-supposes alot. It's almost arrogant of us, and yet, we all are guilty of it at some point or other. We think we know what is going to be said before its actually spoken, and we respond accordingly. We have no patience with those who talk more slowly than we want them to, or those who think more slowly.
     But people are more important than deadlines and schedules. Their feelings take precedence over our impatience. We need to calm down and be considerate.And maybe, if we would all slow down enough to really listen to what is actually being said, we might hear something unexpected and inspiring, and not be frustrated at all.

I notice when other people take the words out of my mouth, and when I do the same. I slow down and listen, and ask others to listen to me.